Henry Kamen - Who's Who in ...
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Henry Kamen - Who's Who in Europe.jpg
Henry Kamen - Who's Who in Europe.jpg
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In this accessible biographical guide, relive Europe's most exciting of periods - the time of the Renaissance and the Reformation, the time of da Vinci and Erasmus, and the time of Elizabeth I and Oliver Cromwell. This approximately 1,000-entry, alphabetically arranged work takes in the whole of Europe during the Renaissance and Reformation, covering politics, culture, religion, and science. Intended as a "quick reference source for scholars, students, and members of the wider reading public," the book's clean double-column format and accessible prose suit a broad audience. Though explanations of artistic and literary endeavors are outnumbered by those concerning history and politics, the approach is nonetheless effectively cross-disciplinary.

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  • Cytat

    Diabeł jest optymistą, o ile sądzi, że można ludzi uczynić gorszymi. Karl Kraus (1874-1936)
    Dla sokoła las niestraszny. Stanisław Brzozowski
    Fiat iustitia, ruat coelum - sprawiedliwości musi się stać zadość, choćby niebo miało runąć.
    Fides sine operibus mortua est - wiara bez uczynków jest martwa.
    Dla miernot geniusz jest czymś niewybaczalnym. Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915)

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