The Sexual Energy Elixir by ...
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The Sexual Energy Elixir by Caroline Robertson.rtf
The Sexual Energy Elixir by Caroline Robertson.rtf
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According to Ayurveda and Tantra health, immunity and vitality come from abundant ojas or the transformed creative essence of semen and ovum. This life-generating cream contains the concentrated nectar from all the cells, the culmination of all vitalising biological processes. It is this refined elixir that, when utilised properly, forms Amrita- or the fountain of longevity. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Taoism also attribute life energy to Ching or channelled procreative powers. This precious energy is to be expertly cultivated, conserved and circulated. Rather than wasting it Taoists aim to refine it just as raw honey is purified from its raw waxy form to the sweetest nectar.

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  • Cytat

    Diabeł jest optymistą, o ile sądzi, że można ludzi uczynić gorszymi. Karl Kraus (1874-1936)
    Dla sokoła las niestraszny. Stanisław Brzozowski
    Fiat iustitia, ruat coelum - sprawiedliwości musi się stać zadość, choćby niebo miało runąć.
    Fides sine operibus mortua est - wiara bez uczynków jest martwa.
    Dla miernot geniusz jest czymś niewybaczalnym. Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915)

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