Peter Guillery - Built from Below.jpg
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This book extends the concept of British vernacular architecture beyond its traditional base of pre-modern domestic and industrial architecture to embrace other buildings such as places of worship, villas, hospitals, suburban semis and post-war mass housing. Engaging with wider issues of social and cultural history, this book is of use to anyone with an interest in architectural history.
Presented in an essentially chronological sequence, from the medieval to the post-war, diverse fresh viewpoints in the chapters of this book reinforce understanding of how building design emerges not just from individual agency, that is architects, but also from the collective traditions of society.
IndeksBanco Central Del Uruguay - Billetes De Los Bancos Oficiales Del Uruguay (1896-1989) (1989).jpgJiří Macháček - The Rise of Medieval Towns and States in East Central Europe. Early Medieval Centres as Social and Economic Systems (2010).jpgHenry Kamen - Who's Who in Europe.jpgDavid Reynolds - From World War to Cold War (2006).jpgSarah C. Wolfe - Naval Edged Weapons in the Age of Fighting Sail 1775-1865 (2005).jpgOsprey - Fortress 16 - Charles Stephenson - The Fortifications Of Malta 1530-1945 (2004).jpgDonald M. G. Sutherland - The French Revolution and Empire. The Quest for a Civic Order (2003).jpgEugenio F. Biagini - British Democracy and Irish Nationalism 1876-1906 (2007).jpgOsprey - Weapon 03 - Sean McLachlan - Medieval Handgonnes (2010).jpgPhilip Major - Literatures of Exile in the English Revolution and its Aftermath.jpg
Diabeł jest optymistą, o ile sądzi, że można ludzi uczynić gorszymi. Karl Kraus (1874-1936) Dla sokoła las niestraszny. Stanisław Brzozowski Fiat iustitia, ruat coelum - sprawiedliwości musi się stać zadość, choćby niebo miało runąć. Fides sine operibus mortua est - wiara bez uczynków jest martwa. Dla miernot geniusz jest czymś niewybaczalnym. Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915) |